Fireball's Heart

Today I read Fireball's Heart.

Chief Wise Owl is Talking with Chief Strong Strong Buffalo. Their names are like animals but they are people and Native Americans. Wise Owl Says to Strong Buffalo, "My people, always tell the truth". Strong Buffalo can't believe that and decides to have a test. Wise Owl agrees with that. He tells Strong Buffalo Dark Eyes. He takes care of Wise Owl'S horses. Wise Owl trusts Dark Eyes very much. One of the horses is tall and black. His name is Fireball. He can run very fast and is Owl's favorite horse. One day, Dark Eyes meets a beautiful girl named Blue Feather. Dark Eyes likes her very much. A few days after, he find that she is crying because of her illness. To cure the illness, She have to eat a Fireball's heart. Dark Eyes wants to cure her illness, so he kills the Fireball. Actually, She is a Strong Buffalo's daughter and it is a lie for the test.

Do you think He will lie to Wise Owl?

「Fireball's heart」の画像検索結果


  1. Wise Owl Says to Strong Buffalo "My people…
    Wise Owl says to Strong Buffalo, "My people…

    Strong Buffalo can't believe that and decide
    Strong Buffalo can't believe that and decides

  2. Wise Owl trust
    Wise Owl trusts





The Fish That Talked