The Clever Woman

Today, I read "The Clever Woman". Sean Murphy is tired and wants to relax. He is very happy to go home. when he come back to the home, there are his wife and mother and his children. He wants to read his favorite books but children are fighting and arguing about the television. He can't relax with all the noise!! One day Sean Murphy go and see Linda McCormack. She is a very clever woman. He asked her how to relax in his noisy house. She advise him to bring animals into his house. Then he gets home and brings geese and goats and chickens into the house. After that the house become noisier place, so he go to the Linda McCormack's house again. She smiles and advise him to take animals outside. He is very confused. But he does that. Then he goes back into the house. He can very relax. he doesn't mind the noises. I think Linda McCormack is very clever person. Her idea was great. I want to meet the clever person like her.




The Fish That Talked